Project Partners
National University of Public Service
The primary goal of the National University of Public Service is the high-quality education of the personnel of civil administration, law enforcement, national defence and of intelligence services. In addition, the university’s courses support the formation of mobility between the more unified career paths of public service. The university established on the 1st of January 2012 received a respectful professional heritage. This legacy bounds to support and secure the professional recruitment needed for the excellent re-organisation and continual operation of the Hungarian state. Through its bachelor, master and PhD degree programmes and other researches, the National University of Public Service provides a strong contribution to the realisation of ideas originating from the international and domestic concepts of good state, good governance and good public administration, while becoming a scientific centre based on values.
GS1 Hungary Nonprofit Ltd
GS1 Hungary Nonprofit Ltd. has been acknowledged as a GS1 Member Organisation in Hungary since 1984. GS1 is a leading global organization dedicated to the development and implementation of global standards and solutions to improve the efficiency and visibility of supply and demand chains globally and across sectors. The GS1 system of standards is the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world and encompasses automatic identification of product, location, parties, assets, logistic units, document types, and services relations order to cash and track and trace business processes and associated message standards, global data synchronization of master product data bar codes and RFID interface. GS1 Standards help the defence community speak a “common language,” at multinational level to address inefficient business processes, and improve supply chain management in order to reduce costs and improve accuracy and security. For more information on GS1:
As co-organizer in the project GS1 Hungary by selecting adequate national and multinational topics and presenters as well authors promote the topics of the conference together the publication. The organization coordinate the international defence related professional/academic presenters from supply chain sciences and disseminate the results of the conference and the information shared over the exchange of experience through GS1 community and national scientific and professional media channels, ensuring information provision for the relevant professional, university/research, student and business sectors.
ILIM – GS1 Poland
The Institute of Logistics and Warehousing (Instytut Logistyki i Magazynowania, ILiM) is widely acknowledged as Poland's centre of competence in logistics and has been a GS1 Member Organization in Poland since 1990. It is an interdisciplinary, state owned R&D unit where logistics is perceived as both a subject of research as well as the field of practical application.
The Institute’s areas of competence embrace logistics and supply chain management including logistics processes, transport system designing and optimisation, intermodal transport systems, optimisation of distribution networks, etc. It provides solutions within e- business, IT and data communication, covering global assets monitoring within SC, warehouse management system, implementation of EPC/RFID solutions and GS1 communication and identification standards.
As GS1 Member Organization for 20 years ILiM has been introducing GS1 standards into industry as well as health and military services. Due to the needs of having multisectorial supplies to army’s warehouses, first NATO and then the Polish Armed Forces decided to use civil best practices and leverage the existing synergies in military supplies. GS1 - international system of global standards in identification and communication is recommended for military supplies in Poland. The adoption of civil GS1 standards, among other things, ensures manufacturer-specific transparency “from factory to foxhole” - in other words across the entire supply chain. The Institute of Logistics and Warehousing has been co-operating closely with both with the Military Logistic Authorities and the associations of suppliers to accommodate the specific requirements of civil and military logistics, especially in the area of EDI and ADC technologies. It also consults them how to optimize their warehouse processes.
Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Stefánik
The Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik as the state military university recognized abroad offers a high standard education comparable with ones of the best public universities in the Slovak Republic as well as those within the Middle European educational field. The Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik is providing education and training in public procurement for future offices in order to meet the needs of the Armed Forces of Slovak Republic. Also providing Education in Acquisition processes in the defense sector in crisis situations and related legislation, and Transformation and implementation of the principles of material management NATO in terms of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic.
University of Defence in Brno
The University of Defence in Brno as a state university educates both military and civilian students and is engages in scientific and research activities focused mainly on defence and security issues, both on national and international level.
The University of Defence in Brno have wide experiences in the field of global supply chains standards and solutions and its application to the practice in national defence system of the Czech Republic. The University of Defence, and especially its Faculty of Military Leadership, have participated in scientific and research programs focused on the topic of defence resources management, military logistics and related topics. At the same time, University of Defence play key role in the defence and security community in the Czech Republic and actively participate on the preparation and expert review of the preparation of new standards applicable in the Czech conditions. The University of Defence also organize the courses for codification management and codifiers, under the cooperation with the NATO AC/135 and NCS College. The University of Defence have already wide cooperation with military universities and colleges of Visegrad countries, both in educational and research areas.